Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My growth: The Alchemist, Julius Caesar

Ideas and Content
Comparing the Alchemist essay and the Julius Caesar there is a massive difference of the rules and how what we did to prepare for them. The Julius Caesar essay was completed within a 80min time period and the alchemist was completed over a couple of weeks step by step with revising from teachers and parents. I think that my Alchemist essay had a much more thought out and detailed explanation of the prompt. The Julius Caesar essay was more brief, straight forward and a less detailed essay. Even though the alchemist essay doesn't have as good as a flow of the Julius Caesar essay it shows a lot more detail and understanding of the text. In the Alchemist essay I refer back to most of the important parts of the protagonist's life, and journey to finding his destiny. In these two essays there is still a lot of improvement that I can make to construct a better built essay. I need to mostly focus on my selections of the quotes that I decide on putting into my essays. This will help to give stronger evidence directed to the prompt of the essay. I, think that as a result of stronger evidence I will be able to explain my thinking better which will help me communicate more effectively to the reader.

The organization of my essays have gained more strength since the beginning of the year to the end of 8th grade. I am capable of explaining my quotes so that the reader will veigly understand the meaning that I'm trying to get across. I've improved in the engagement of the reader, but I still need to improve in this area to keep the text on topic, and interesting. The reader is able to relate to the meaning being across, this is evident in the introduction and the conclusions of my essays. I need to improve on moving away from the structure that was formatted for the essays. This will help engage the reader into the text, the reader will be able to share the empathy of the people being discussed in the essays.

Personal Growth
Once completing both essays I didn't improve to a better score. I have seen a big improvement from myself based on the time duration that I was given, also the lack of resources, like the teachers and parents revising the essay before i was done with the final product. My wording of text has greatly improved, it increased in the amount of effective communication to the audience. When completing the Alchemist essay it took me fairly a long time to get the concept of making the essay sound more straight forward but with many details to help explain the topic. When the Julius Caesar essay arrived I knew what I needed to focus on and was able to apply my background knowledge on this concept to create a better essay. This helped the reader to better comprehen what I am trying to communicate.

Reason Critically
I resoned critically to help prepare me for the timed essay of Julius Caesar. I found many quotes, and made a layout of what I needed in each paragraph. This helped me to complete the essay without rushing and filling under a lot of pressure. The layout of my plan was very detailed, which allowed me to easily create sentences. I thought that this would help me to manage my time throughout writing this essay, I started to rush towards the end of the essay but I was able to finish. I found quotes that were pertaining to the topic. Having all the information needed for writing an essay is very helpful, this allowed me to improve on my writing skills which resulted in the final grade and the comments made about the essay.

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