Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The benifits of Dreaming


Dreams swirl in the whistle of the wind.
Embodied by cloak consumed with imagination.
Spreading the gift of Creative Thinking to all.

Dreams allow your imagination to sore within your mind. Imagination has been used ever since man were first on earth, this imagination comimg from dreams or daydreaming have turned into inventions that help us get through the day easier. The washing machine, and computers, were made to help people get better resources, and it's less time consuming. It helped people by making chores, simple, and more time for other daily activities. Other ideas that have been thought of are the bicycle and airplanes, these are both a forms of transportation that are faster than running. Dreams let people's mind engage in the imagination that's forming in their head, which turns out to be a very useful object, or substance thst could be used in the future.

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