Sunday, September 27, 2009


Ruby Bidges was one of the many people that helped to stop racism. Ruby Bridges and her parents decided to let her attend an all white school so that she could receive a better education. She was very couragus to go agree with her parents and to go forth with this decission they've made, even though she was only six years old she had to adapt to the people that she will see more often. As RubyBridges attended this school she started to wonder why she wasn't able to learn with the other kids that went to the school. So she talked with pscologist, when ruby got older she understood, why she was taougt in a classroom by herself,and how she played a huge part in stoping racisum. Ruby Bridges is a very inspiring indivisual that many people look up to. She showed that nothig can stop her from haveing an equal learning experience. Her courage that she posses is what many people remember her as today. I beileve that Ruby Bridges wants to encourag everybody of every rae to get a goo education and never to give up.

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