Thursday, October 8, 2009

The True Renaissance Man

Leonado da Vinci was a huge part of the Renaissance. The creative thinking that he posed were outstanding and what we remember him as today. Leonardo Da vinci was very observant of everything around him, this explains all of the accomplishments that he has achieved. Da vinci had a passion for mostly engineering, art, and architecture. Leonardo Da Vinci discovered many different inventions that were able to be used once he released them into the public eye. All of his discoveries were very clever, and intelligent, he made the discovery of parachutes, elevators, and many other objects that would help the daily life of people easier, but also to add something different to every ones the daily life's. In art, Leonardo Da vinci thought of different ways to show shadings, and highlights in his paintings and drawings. These different types of art techniques sent the same message to the viewer but in a different way. This artwork was put into very important place and was very valuable to all that saw were able to see it. When both engineering and art were put together it formed a type a of architecture with a new twist, that made it ever more interesting All of these characteristics made Leonardo Da Vinci a true Renaissance man, since he was a big part of the rebirth of the Renaissance

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