Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ths School of Athens

The School of Athens demonstrates everything that the rennaissance era was all about. Raphael mirrors to society within this painting by showing all of the changes that the renaissance brought with it, it shows a differnces made throughout the rennaissance time period. To the far left of the School of Athens Pythagoras is teaching to children, middle aged, and elders, which expanded all of their knowledge to great distance than it was before. Theis part of the painting shows the rights to an education. To the right of the painting Euclid is expierimenting with an instrument that looks like a compas to help answer thier many questions that soar about in thier minds. Everybody in the School of Athens are observing somthing which will inhace their knowledge, and understanding. The archutecture is very detailed in th School of Athens, it showes the modern look during the renaisance era and how much they, as a community has grown to such an extinct in population and knowledge.
In the far left cornner of the School of Athens Eclid is expierimenting with a compas. I would be Euclid in the School of Athens because he shows curiosity and a want, and need to learn by himself, and not depending on other people for his education. He is also expressing his ideas to the people that are suroundding him, he is able to teach to the people which will increase their knowledge as well as his. Euclid and I both like to be apart of a hands on activity. In the School of Athens he's using a compas to find the answer to a question that he longs the answer to. Being able to learn and have fun is a big part of my education.

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